.: WOOHOO!!!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
One more day until my scrappy vacation!!!! Sandi will be here in the morning and then we are taking off for the Smokey Mountains for 5 days of eating, sleeping and scrapping. Though not neccessarily in that order. LOL! Anyone wanna take a guess on how many pictures we will take in those 5 or 6 days?

I really don't know what I am doing on the computer since I have TONS of stuff I need to get done. I haven't even started packing any of my scrap stuff. YIKES! I did start packing clothes, but I need to finish that, go to the post office and then I told Joe and Kassie that I would make them some meals so they don't live on cookies and Burger King while I am gone.

So....I'm outta here!!!


Blogger Nancywithajones said...

yall have fun. get some rest. (yeah right) show us your pages when you get back rather

Blogger Sandi Minchuk said...

You need to update, girl! ;)

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